Saturday 2 June 2012

Setting this up.

I've been thinking about doing some Pinterest Blogs on my main Blog . But I have decided to do a completely separate Blog.

No post yet because I'm thinking about what kind of disclaimer I need on here.

I don't want anything on here to cause any harm! So any ideas found on here should be subject to your own clinical reasoning and not blindly followed.

I am a student and certainly don't claim to know it all as far as OT is concerned, but I love the ideas I see on Pinterest and can see how I can use Pinterest as a resource in my OT tool kit.

I want this blog to be a place for sharing how the ideas seen on Pinterest can been applied in practice, with some theory / evidence to support the activities use.

I am also planning an #OTalk about how the arts and crafts roots of Occupational Therapy link to modern day practice and I think Pinterest will be significant here and would love some posts before the talk.

Also I was thinking that I would love to make this more of an OT community blog that I will moderate and post on. I would love to hear from anyone interested in guest blogging (full credit given to them!).

Or if anyone has any ideas, advice on establishing a global OT community blog? I would love to hear from you!


 Gillian Crossley